Taxi bestellen in Breda? Taxi Cab Breda Ordering a taxi in Breda? Taxi Cab Breda is the taxi company in Breda and surrounding areas that uses different types of services: from private rides in the city centre of Breda to longer rides of executives towards abroad. Would you also like to discuss your options with us? Then call Taxi Cab Breda in Breda now.
Taxi Cab Breda
Taxi Breda
Wilrijkstraat 1
4826 GB Breda
Phone number: +316 44 95 09 97
E-mail address:
Chamber of Commerce number: 50169505
Opening hours: 24/7
Taxi Cab Breda in Breda: always well-kept cars, always neat drivers. Luxury is our standard.
Taxi Cab Breda
Taxi Breda
Wilrijkstraat 1
4826 GB Breda
T: +316 44 95 09 97
Chamber of Commerce: 50169505
Credit card
On account (business customers)
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